Pulsar PXE Loader

Pulsar is a multiboot-compliant PXE loader that can boot an ELF kernel and a set of modules over the network. It requires a network card with built-in PXE ROM, a DHCP server and a TFTP server. The BIOS boot device must be set to "network device".

Boot Process


For the following examples you would need to copy the Pulsar binary and any initial configuration files to the directory /boot/tftp of your TFTP server.

Booting on Bare Hardware

You need to setup a TFTP server and a DHCP server.
The TFTP server can be started from inetd. With the -s option you can specify the host directory that will be used as TFTP root directory.
    in.tftpd -s /boot/tftp
The following DHCP server configuration instructs clients to use Pulsar as PXE boot loader. You must adapt the configuration to your network setup:
    host testbox {                                     # Hostname of the machine
      hardware ethernet       aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff;       # Hardware address of the machine
      fixed-address ;             # IP address of the machine  
      next-server   ;             # TFTP server address, can be omitted if same machine as DHCP server
      filename                "pulsar";                # Bootstrap file
      option root-path        "";		       # Root path relative to TFTP root directory (typically not needed if tftpd runs with -s)

Booting under QEMU

There is no need to setup a TFTP or DHCP server because QEMU has that functionality built in. The following command line instructs QEMU to use Pulsar as PXE boot loader:
    qemu -boot n -tftp /boot/tftp -bootp pulsar


Pulsar loads the initial configuration file config-aa-bb-cc-dd-ee-ff from the TFTP server, where aa-bb-cc-dd-ee-ff is the MAC address of the booting network card. The configuration file currently accepts the following commands:
    addr <addr>                       Sets memory address where boot modules will be loaded.
    chld <file>                       Chainload a different PXE boot loader.
    conf <file>                       Loads a new configuration file and processes it.
    exec <file> <cmdline>             Loads and unpacks the specified ELF file. The last executable loaded this way will be started.
    load <file> <cmdline>             Loads a module and creates a multiboot module structure for it.
    root <path>                       Sets TFTP server root path.
    tftp <ip addr>                    Sets TFTP server address.  
Each command affects the lines succeeding it until overridden by another command of the same type. A hash sign (#) at the beginning of a line turns the entire line into a comment. A backslash (\) at the end of a line is treated as line wrap.


    root nova
    exec hypervisor iommu serial spinner
    load pingpong  
    root l4
    addr 0x2000000
    exec bootstrap -serial
    load fiasco -serial_esc
    load sigma0
    load roottask
    load pingpong
    root linux
    load ramdisk.gz
    exec bzImage root=/dev/ram0
    root pxe
    chld pxegrub.pxe
